On Monday October 19, 2009 Northgate High School students applied their creative talents in the design and painting of the themed Halloween decorations of 28 storefronts in the Lincoln Avenue business district.
Despite the early 8am start and 28ºF frigid temperature, the students assembled at
Kuhn’s Market to check-in for the project. Materials were distributed and under the direction of Kristin DeGiovanni, the 7-12 art teacher, the select group of students worked throughout the day creating scenes and figures representative of the Halloween season.
While the students' art suffered from issues of peeling paint, they continued in their efforts to create the masterpieces. While the works were best viewed in person, photographic images were published on the EnjoyBellevue site as
Halloween to provide for online voting. The paper ballots which were distributed throughout the business district were accepted at the
Enjoy Bellevue location until October 30 to be included in the tally.
The top three window creations receiving votes, in alphabetical order, were
Classic Chevrolet New Car Showroom, painted by Justin Para, Angelo Pagani , Richard Fiorenzo, Brandon Postlethwait, Kristen Callahan, Cassie Andreas,
Plank Eye Board Shop, painted by Gwen McCracken, Chelsea Dungan, and
Stew's Hobby Shop, painted by Nate Anthony. The names of all of the participating students and their respective images is seen on the
Halloween page. An
Enjoy Bellevue donation to
Northgate Art Society is made in gratitude and recognition of the students community involvement. Way to go Northgate!