Friday, October 30, 2009

Junior Council Members Are Appointed

A program of the PA State Association of Boroughs (PSAB), the Junior Council Person Program is an opportunity available for two students, Juniors or Seniors in high school to be included in the governing process of their own communities.  The students take an oath of office, attend monthly council meetings, budget sessions and any other special meetings, observe all borough council rules and are seated at council and participate in any and all borough business.  They cannot vote or attend executive sessions.  Bellevue’s inaugural Junior council members are Northgate Seniors- Ryan Casselberry and Brittany Channing.

Kathy Coder provided a brief introduction and history of the resolution adopted by the Borough of Bellevue necessary to establish the Junior Council affiliation.  District Justice Tara Smith administered the oath of office during Mr Matthews World Cultures class. (AP U.S. History, Anthropology, 10th Honors History, and World Cultures.  (Photo L-R) High School principal-Bryan Kyle, DJ Tara Smith, Ryan Casselberry, Brittany Channing, Bellevue Council President-Kathy Coder, Bellevue Resource Officer Mike Hudson.

The students are officially seated in the Council Chambers.  Congratulations to Ryan and Brittany for their achievement in this position of leadership.  They are our future!

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